As a result of being fired in the middle school kiln, I entered high school with a different attitude. I would no longer be bullied. I didn't even realize I had this new "take no guff" attitude until a girl in the high school restroom tried to rob me and a new friend.
"Are you kidding? You obviously don't know who you're messing with," I said in a clear, calm voice as I began to back the would-be bathroom felon toward the door. "I'll give you one chance to get out of here or I wouldn't want to be you." She turn and fled in terror. My new friend looked at me like I was an alien and perhaps I was but I knew in that moment that I was a new person.
I only attended that particular high school for one year but I owe them a lot. As a result of my new attitude I shed my previously shy approach and began meeting people with a new confidence. I performed in school plays and competed in Original Comedy through the Drama Club. My best performance remains the one in the bathroom.
I share this story because I've been invited back to that high school for Career Day. I think I'll visit that particular bathroom. If I should meet a genie there who offers me a choice between reliving middle school or being diagnosed with cancer again, which fire should I choose?
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