Friday, October 21, 2011

The Torture of Waiting

A local Christian radio host is waiting to find out if he has Lymphoma. He's been waiting three weeks and, like most of us, waiting isn't his forte. Here's my advice to him and any of you who may be waiting for your test results:

Waiting is harder than a definite yes or no. If you hear "no, it's not cancer" the relief is palpable. If you hear "yes, you have cancer" you can begin to fight and amass your prayer warriors. Waiting is, well, just waiting and worrying. I could advise you to put it in God's hands but you already know that's where it is. I could tell you that if you do have cancer that it can be curable but you still have to go through it. I could tell you that if you do not have cancer you will have more empathy for those who do but you already have empathy. Instead, the only thing I can tell you is that - just as all of us should - your task is to fully embrace life and your loved ones while you wait. God and the prayer warriors will do the rest.

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