Friday, May 2, 2008

Book Signing at Champaign IL Relay for Life

I'll be signing copies of the newly released Adventures in Breast Cancer at the Champaign, IL Relay for Life at Centennial High School on May 17. Stop by and Walk for the Cure!


jfoley said...

Congratulations on your book. I cant wait to get a copy; I won't be able to make the 17th book signing, but hope you will be able to sign it another time for an "old friend". I pray you will live a long life, and continue to do so with dignity and humor.

Unknown said...

Do you think you can come to our school and have a book signing. I have lots 2 very special people to breast cancer, a mother and a daughter who were loved so dearly.

Carol said...

Sure Maudie. I'd love to come to your school. A portion of the proceeds from every book is donated to a Cancer related charity. You can choose the charity if you'd like.

Let me know what date would work for you.


diana said...

Carol, I could not put this book down until I finished it. You have done a wonderful job, both in life and in writing about your experience. Thank you for sharing your journey through the Valley of Breast Cancer with such wit and wisdom.